Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Prequel as Sequel: To kill A Mockingbird

The Magnum Opus of Harper Lee, incidentally her one only published work until now, has a sequel ..err... prequel. It seems that Ms. Lee wrote this sequel, before the actual book To Kill A Mockingbird, but on the publisher's suggestion she wrote another version of it, with its protagonist Scout as a little girl.

(Picture Source:
After the huge success of the book, many asked Ms. Lee to write more, but she never published anything (it seems like she wrote some unfinished work). She neither gave any interviews nor appeared in public. Now after 54 years, the original manuscript was found and being published as a sequel. Its planned to be released by mid July 2015.

It would be very interesting to see how Scout would be as a young woman, in the new book 'Go Set a Watchman'. To Kill A Mockingbird set the standards for the literature dealing with racism and discrimination. It has become an unspoken norm, to compare such works with To Kill A Mockingbird. Now we have to wait and see, how the sequel would fare. 

Here is a news item about it, with more details. 

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